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How to: Send and Reply to emails in Cloaked

  • Updated

Sending and replying to emails from Cloaked allows you to take advantage of using Cloaked Identities and the ability to generate a new email address as needed. Helping protect your personal email from being compromised or being subjected to endless waves of spam.

Sending an email via the Cloaked Dashboard

Sending a new email via the Dashboard

  1. Click on the Compose message button
  2. In the From field enter the name of the Cloaked Identity you wish to send the email from.
    • In this example, the message is being sent via the Family Cloaked Identity
  3. In the To field enter the email address or name of the person you wish to send the email to.
  4. In the Subject enter the subject of the email (if required)
  5. In the Email body, you can write your message as normal
  6. To send click the Up arrow located in the lower right.

Note: if you wish to send an attachment with your message click the paperclip icon in the lower left of the message window.

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Replying to an email via the Dashboard

  1. Click on the Emails button under the All Inboxes
  2. Find the email that you wish to reply to and click on it so the message shows on the right-hand side.
  3. Click in the box labeled Write a reply
  4. In the Email body, you can write your message as normal
  5. To send click the Up arrow located in the lower right.

Note: if you wish to send an attachment with your message click the paperclip icon in the lower left of the message window.

ReplyEmail - Made with Clipchamp.gif

Sending an email via the Cloaked App

Sending a new email via the Cloaked App (on Android)

  1. Tap the Identities button
  2. Tap on the Cloaked Identity you wish to send the email from.
    • In this example, the message is being sent via the Family Cloaked Identity
  3. Tap on the Email Address you wish to send the email from, then select Email from...
    • In this example, the email from the button will show: Email from
  4. Tap on the To field and enter the email address or name of the person or company you wish to email.
  5. Tap on the Subject field and enter one if needed
  6. In the Email body, you can write your message as normal
  7. Then tap into the email body and write the message as you would do normally.
  8. To send tap the Paper Aeroplane icon located in the top right.

Note: if you wish to send an attachment you will need to compose the email using the Cloaked Desktop Dashboard. 


Sending a new email via the Cloaked App (on iOS)

  1. Tap the Identities button
  2. Tap on the Cloaked Identity you wish to send the email from.
    • In this example, the message is being sent via the Family Cloaked Identity
  3. Tap on the Email Address you wish to send the email from, then select Email from...
    • In this example, the email from the button will show: Email from
  4. Tap on the To field and enter the email address or name of the person or company you wish to email.
  5. Tap Next, you'll then see a prompt for Send a secure email, tap on Continue
    • This will prompt you to use your default Mail app or you can copy the secure email to use in a different app.
    • In this example, we will select Send using default email app (ProtonMail in this example)
  6. Tap on the Subject field and enter one if needed
  7. In the Email body, you can write your message as normal
  8. Then tap into the email body and write the message as you would do normally.
  9. Then tap on the appropriate send icon/button.


Note: if you wish to send an attachment you will need to compose the email using the Cloaked Desktop Dashboard. 


Replying to an email via the Cloaked App (on Android and iOS)

  1. Tap on the Inbox button in the lower left of the Cloaked app
  2. Find the email that you wish to Reply and tap on it so the message opens.
    • In this example, it is a message from Cloaked Support
  3. Tap on the Reply Arrow (arrow points towards the left)
  4. Tap into the Email body you can write your message as normal
  5. To send click the Up arrow located in the lower left.

Note: if you wish to send an attachment you will need to compose the email using the Cloaked Desktop Dashboard. 


Need more help?

If you encounter issues sending emails with Cloaked we are here to help. You can reach out to Cloaked Support via our live chat or by emailing us directly at:


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