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Cloaked Extension Settings

  • Updated

The Cloaked Extension settings can be easily accessed directly from the Cloaked Extension itself. These settings allow you to control how it looks and interacts with specific websites along with the ability to turn the extension off if needed. 

Accessing and Managing Cloaked Extension Settings

To access the Cloaked Extension Settings you'll need to do the following:

  • Click on the Cloaked Extension Icon
  • Select the three horizontal dots (located between the Add button and the Turn Off Button)
  • From the menu that appears click Extension settings...

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Changing the Cloaked Extension Appearance/Behavior

From the Appearance Tab within the Cloaked Settings, you can choose how the Cloaked Extension prompts look and act. You can have the extension dynamically place the Cloaked prompts or have it always place the prompt below the field you are entering information into.

You can also change how the extension is activated this can be once you enter a field that Cloaked can generate details on or set it so that Cloaked will only activate once you select the Cloaked icon in the field you are using.


Cloaked Extension Notification Settings

If you find that the notification from the Cloaked Extension gets in the way of your work or pops up and covers an important button you can change the position of this in the Cloaked Extension Settings under the Notification tab. Simply select your preferred location from the pop-up and your set!

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Turning off the Cloaked Extension

Sometimes you may need to turn off the Cloaked Extension as part of troubleshooting an issue or just for specific domains or websites due to needing to use an alternative password manager or compatibility reasons. This can all be done easily within the Cloaked Extension Settings.

Turning off the Cloaked Extension Fully

To turn the Cloaked Extension off fully you can go to the Turn off extension tab within the Cloaked Extension Settings and toggle the switch from the on position to the off position. This will turn off the extension until you turn it on again.

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Turning off the Cloaked Extension for Specific Sites (Disabling Sites)

To add a new website where you do not wish for Cloaked to prompt you is as easy as selecting the Add a website button, entering in the URL/Address of the site you wish to disable the extension on, and then selecting Save.

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Turning off extension for a specific site via the Cloaked Extension

To turn off the Cloaked Extension for a specific site without going into the extension settings is you will need to do the following. Click on the Cloaked Extension Icon, then click the Turn off button, then in the menu that appears select the option starting with on followed by the URL/Domain in question. In the example below the extension is being turned off on:

OffViaEXT-Recording 2024-01-16 233150.gif

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