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Sharing Cloaked Identities

  • Updated

You can easily share Cloaked Identities from your Cloaked account with family and friends from your Cloaked Desktop Dashboard or via the Cloaked App. This can prove helpful if you have an account or service you pay for but your family or friends also need access to it.

Best of all you can choose what information is shared so you can remain in control by setting how long the shared link/identity is available for and applying a password that will be required to view the link. Ensuring only those you intend to send the link to can see the details enclosed.

Sharing Cloaked Identities via Cloaked Desktop Dashboard

  1. Select the Identity you wish to share (in this example Netflix)
  2. Select the Chain Icon in to top right of the details pane
  3. If you wish to share all details in the identity tick the option Full read permission otherwise select the option for Custom Permissions
  4. Under the Custom Permission options you can select which details are shared. 
  5. Select Create link
  6. This will now create a link that will be able to be shared. In the window that appears you can set how long the link is valid for and the password required to open the shared link.


Sharing Cloaked Identities via Cloaked App

  1. Tap on the Identity you wish to share (in this example Netflix)
  2. Tap the Chain Icon in to top right of the details pane
  3. If you wish to share all details in the identity tap the option Full read permission otherwise tap the options/details you wish to share under the Custom Permissions heading.
  4. Tap Generate Link
  5. On the next screen you will see the link you can share along with the options for how long the link is valid for along with the password for the shared link,


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