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Using an Cloaked Identity with Multiple Sites

  • Updated

In this guide, we will go over the steps to use an identity with multiple sites. This is helpful when using services like AppleID and iCloud or Microsoft Account and Outlook which will use the same credential but on more than one website.


  • A Cloaked Account (Trial or Paid)
  • Access to the Cloaked Desktop Dashboard or App

Via the Cloaked Dashboard

In this example, we will update our identity to also provide the login details for iCloud.

  1. Go to the Apple Identity you have saved in Cloaked
  2. Click on it and the right-hand side you'll see the details for that identity
  3. Scroll down to Other Information
  4. Click on Add New Information, then Secondary URL
  5. In the prompt that comes up enter the URL to
  6. Click Save

Recording 2023-11-22 183134.gif


Via the Cloaked App

In this example, we will update our identity to also provide the login details for iCloud.

  1. Go to the Apple Identity under the Identities Tab
  2. Tab on the Identity
  3. Scroll down to Other Information
  4. Tap on Add New Information, then tap on Secondary URL
  5. Enter the URL to 
  6. Tap Save


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