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Setting Up 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) to secure your Cloaked Account

  • Updated

What is 2FA?

2FA ‍is a form of Identity Verification that can be used to increase the security of your account. 2FA means that anyone who wants to access your account, including you, will need to both know the account password and have access to either your text messages or your email to access your Cloaked account.

While you can set up 2FA with either email or text messages via dashboard or the mobile app, this guide will show how to set up Email 2FA via Dashboard and Mobile.

Setting Up Email 2FA from the Cloaked Dashboard

  1. From your Cloaked Dashboard click your user icon and select 'Settings'
  2. Under your account settings select 'Set up two-factor authentication'.
  3. You will need to enter your Cloaked Dashboard password to verify the changes you are about to make.
  4. Select 'Verify via email'
  5. Select 'Use a different email address' if the previously verified email addresses are not suitable. 2FA-P4.png
  6. Enter the email address you wish to use and select 'Continue' - you will then need to verify the email address you've chosen.
  7. Enter the 6-digit code that was sent to your email address, then select 'Verify code'.
  8. Once you've selected Verify Code you will be taken back to your Cloaked Settings and you will now see your newly added and verified email address listed under '2FA email address'.

These steps can be taken for Text/SMS if preferred.

Setting Up 2FA from the Cloaked App

  1. Open your Cloaked app and from the main screen tap on Settings. Then 'Account Security'
  2. Under Account Security select 'Two-factor authentication' then 'Set up two-factor authentication'.
  3. You will need to enter your Cloaked Dashboard password to verify the changes you are about to make. Tap 'Continue' then tap on 'Verify via email'.
  4. If you have already verified an email address you can tap on the one you wish to use, otherwise you will need to tap on 'Use a different email address'.
  5. On the next screen, you will see an option for 'Add email' Tap this, then enter the new email address you wish to use. Then tap 'Save' (or Done on the keyboard)
  6. You will now need to enter the 6-digit code that was sent to your email address, then select 'Verify'. Once you have done this the email address with be added for use with 2FA.


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