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Housekeeping: How to get fully set up


Our recommendations:

This article contains the details of what we recommend you do when you start using Cloaked. None of this is mandatory, but may improve your usage and experience of Cloaked:

Table of Contents:

1 Save your recovery key somewhere safe

Verifying your Email and Phone number

3 Login on all platforms

4 Dashboard: Getting Started Checklist

Save your recovery key somewhere safe

When creating your account, you will be prompted to save, and download a file containing, your recovery key. If you forget or misplace your password, this recovery key is essential for you to gain access to your account. As such, make sure to place it somewhere safe, memorable, and unlikely to be destroyed. To aid you in this process, you are prompted to download a pdf file containing the recovery key:

Screenshot 2023-09-24 at 8.10.07 AM.png

We highly recommend you save this file somewhere safe, potentially in multiple locations on multiple secure devices.

Verifying your Email and Phone number

Verifying your email and phone number will provide two functions. First, it will allow you to utilize these contact points as recovery information; for instance, if you need to reset your password, your recovery email and recovery key can be used together to complete this process. Second, verified emails and phone numbers can be used for forwarding emails, text messages, and phone calls.

Learn More: How To Enable Email Addresses & Phone Numbers for Forwarding

Login on all platforms

Desktop Dashboard: navigate to

Extension: navigate to or click into your account details to select "Download Extension"

Once you download the extension, make sure to pin the extension to your chromium browser for easy access:

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Dashboard: Getting Started Checklist

When you first log in, you will be given a checklist of items to complete to help you get the most out your new Cloaked life. We highly recommend you follow this checklist as it contains some very valuable introductory things you can do to help you better understand Cloaked. Some Highlights of this list

  • Download the Cloaked mobile app
    • Already recommended above
  • How to use the Cloaked browser extension
    • Already recommended above
  • Choose where you want emails, texts, and calls to go
  • Import and secure your online accounts

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1 comment

  • Comment author
    Sakib 09

    So beautiful


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