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VIDEO: Managing Cloaked Subscription

  • Updated

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Video Transcript:


This video will describe how to manage your subscription.


When you click into settings, you will need to navigate to subscription on the left panel. You will then be prompted to open a link in Stripe.


When you open the Stripe portal, you will be asked to enter your Cloaked support e-mail. Please note that this is not the recovery e-mail that you may have associated with your account, but in fact is a Cloaked-generated e-mail that was generated for you automatically.


While it should be automatically populated, it will be in the form word dot word dot word at some Cloaked domain. Once you hit send, please navigate back to Cloaked and open up your e-mail inbox. There should be an e-mail from Stripe with a link To your unique customer portal. In this portal you are able to manage your subscription as desired.


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