Generally speaking, you should not login to your Cloaked account (or any account) on a computer that you know to be compromised or do not trust, in case attackers are able to gain access to your password. If you need to access your account, try to do so via a secure mobile device or any secure device you can locate on hand.
To help secure account, please make sure to enable Two Factor Authentication.
If you do log onto Cloaked with a device that you have not secured, we recommend that you do so via an Incognito window (private browsing session) to ensure that no user or session information is saved to the device that you are using.
On a PC or Mac:
In Chrome on the desktop, you can open an Incognito window by selecting the three vertical dots by your Chrome profile icon. Then select 'New Incognito window'.
On Mobile - iOS:
In Chrome on the phone, you can open an Incognito window by selecting the three horizontal dots in the lower right of your screen Then tap on 'New Incognito tab'.
On Mobile - Android:
In Chrome on the phone, you can open an Incognito window by selecting the three horizontal dots in the top right of your screen Then tap on 'New Incognito tab'.
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