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How do I access my account?

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How do I access my account?

You can always log in to Cloaked with your Username and Password via desktop at or via the mobile application. These apps can be downloaded from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store here:

New to Cloaked or don't have your recovery key?

Navigate to if on desktop, or if on the mobile app, click or tap on "Can't sign in?".

In the forgot password flow on the login page, you will need to enter your Cloaked Username (this will either be a word, your email or your phone number).


On the next page, you will either enter your Cloaked Recovery Key below your Cloaked Username (if correct you'll be able to enter a new password) or if you do not have one click on 'I dont have my recovery key' you'll then need to enter your recovery email address to proceed through the next steps. 

If the recovery key matches whats listed in your account you'll receive an email to your inbox to allow you to reset your password yourself.

Not getting an email?

No worries! You may not have an account, or you may not have used your correct recovery email, or your recovery email may not have been verified! Please reach out to us directly via chat below or at to see if we can assist.

Have important encrypted info in your Cloaked Account?

If you have used Cloaked's secure password and identity management tools, you'll want to use your Recovery Key to safely unlock the encryption on your account. The rest of this article will help you to do so.

I’ve forgotten my password! What should I do?

If you forgotten your password, you will need to use your recovery key (kit) which you would have been prompted to download at sign-up, and your Cloaked Username or your recovery email to reset your password. Without your recovery key (kit) and your Cloaked Username or recovery email address, you will not be able to reset your password using our self-service tool.


I’ve forgotten my username! What should I do?

If you've forgotten your username, you will need a verified recovery email address and either your Cloaked account password and recovery key (kit) which you would have been prompted to download at sign-up.


Without your recovery key (kit) and your Cloaked Password or recovery email address, you will not be able to recover your Cloaked Username using our self-service tool.

Finding your Recovery Key (kit)

When this key was generated, you would have been prompted to download this file and it will likely appear as a PDF with the default file name containing either "Recovery-PassPhrase" or “cloaked-recoverykey”. 

This guide goes into more detail about your recovery key (kit) and How do I find my recovery key?


Need further help?

If you have tried the self-service tools listed above or are unsure about the location of your recovery key (kit) please reach out to Cloaked Support via our live chat or email us directly:

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