This article will guide you through how to find and download your recovery kit on the Cloaked Dashboard and via the Cloaked App.
Why is downloading your Recovery Key is important?
Cloaked's comprehensive privacy and security solutions provide you with a litany of features and tools to help protect your identity online and in person. As part of this protection, our built in identity and password manager will generate, store, and protect your information to allow you to securely authenticate on any website or organization you so choose.
In order to keep your credentials safe, we use the highest standard of encryption - Zero Knowledge. Your safest, most important credentials are safe from anyone who might try to gain entry from your account - including us!
Your account is mathematically impervious to anyone who does not have one of the either following two data points:
1. Your Cloaked Password (created by you upon account creation or upon update)
2. Your Recovery Key (generated upon account creation and available in your Recovery Kit
Your Cloaked Recovery Key is essential to store safely as it is the only backup that exists to decrypt the information in your account should you forget your password.
Storing Your Recovery Kit:
Our recommendations for storing your recovery kit can be found here.
Downloading your recovery kit via the Cloaked Dashboard:
Step one:
Navigate to your Cloaked dashboard by logging in at
Once logged into your account, open the options pane at the top right where your username is located:
This will open the options pane, where you can select your Settings:
By default you should be brought to the 'Account' setting, where you can select 'Recovery kit'.
Enter your Cloaked account password (sometimes referred to as Master Password) into the entry box and select 'Download recovery kit'. This will prompt your recovery kit to download to your default downloads folder.
Once downloaded you'll have a download on your computer that will contain the words: recovery-key.pdf
Once the recovery key/kit is downloaded you can select Done. Once downloaded we'd recommend you view Our Recommendations for Saving and Storing your Recovery Kit
Note: Your 'Master Password' is the password you use to login to Cloaked Account.
Downloading your recovery key (recovery kit) via the Cloaked App
Step one:
Once you open your Cloaked app, tap on your Profile icon, then goto Settings, then Tap on Account Security
Step two:
Tap on 'Save recovery key', then enter your Cloaked password, then tap on Continue
Note: this password is the one you use to login to Cloaked.
Step three:
Take a screenshot of this screen or tap on 'Save recovery key to Photos', this will generate an image containing your recovery key.
Step four:
You can save this key to the Files app on the iPhone otherwise you can export/save it to a different app or location. These steps will also apply to Android as well.
Note: If you have Biometrics (FaceID or Fingerprint) enabled in your Cloaked account you can also use this to authorize the download of your Cloaked Recovery Key via the Cloaked App without having to enter your Cloaked Account password.
Storing your recovery key (passphrase)
Once you have downloaded your recovery key (passphrase) you should make sure that you have a copy saved securely in the event that you need to regain access to your account. We have a short guide on our recommendation for doing this. Which can be found at the link below.
Our Recommendations for Saving and Storing your Recovery Key - (Passphrase)
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