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How do I cancel my Cloaked subscription plan?

  • Updated


Cancelling your Cloaked Subscription via Cloaked Desktop Dashboard

Please follow the steps below to cancel your subscription:

  1. Log in to your Cloaked dashboard. 
  2. In the “Settings” section of your Cloaked dashboard, go to “Subscription” > “Manage Subscription”.
  3. You’ll be redirected to a login screen in a new window. 
    Note: the window will have already auto-filled your Cloaked email address for the next step:
    Your personal Support Cloak Email is not your recovery or personal email so that will likely not work here:
  4. Select 'Send' This will send an email to your Cloaked inbox with a link to manage/cancel your subscription.
  5. Select 'Login' and a new window will appear where you can manage or cancel your subscription using the “Cancel Plan” button.
  6. Your subscription will be canceled. If you change your mind, you can renew your subscription any time after canceling.

Cancelling your Cloaked Subscription via Mobile

If you have purchased a Cloaked Subscription via Mobile you will need to cancel your subscription via the Apple App Store or via the Google Play Store.

For more information on how to do this please find links to Apple Support and Google Support.

App Store:

Google Play:

Need Further Help Cancelling?

If you are still having issues with canceling your subscription or have further questions you can reach out to our support team or email



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